Notable Lines
"... the old save the world excuse" Piper - "Like you've never had to use it." Leo 2-2
"All the vanquishin', think of the wear & tear." Piper
"Look at me, all right, I'm about to layoff countless people with the flick of my pen, no man to speak of."
"If that is some kind of whitelighter humor, let me be the first to tell you, you are not a very funny race
of people." Piper
"If we die tonight, my tombstone will say Here lies Prue, She worked hard." Prue
"Our job is to protect the innocent, not punish the guilty." Phoebe
"The wrong thing done for the right reason is still the wrong thing." Phoebe
"Speak of the angel." Piper about Leo
"Hey the future wasn't all bad. You were like Miss Fortune 500 and I had a beautiful little girl." Piper